Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Coffee break...

Hello, Tuesday!

If you stopped by for coffee this morning,
it may be accompanied by eggs and toast.

Actually, there is some cookies you could have but
I'm just having sugar in my coffee this week.

We had a fabulous weekend with some friends from MD
but ate too much, so its time to say "no" to Easter candy
and all things baked and sugary.

Orange Cranberry Muffins.

If you were sitting here with me you would smell
a turkey roasting in the oven.
I am feeling a bit pioneer-ish,
'cause it is a turkey that Mr. Sweet
shoot yesterday during 'spring gobbler' season.

I would also tell you that I am enjoying the spring weather.
Our pool will soon be filled with lots of kids
splashing and laughing and making memories.

I'm thinking about Mother's day and
wondering how I am impacting my kids lives.
Is it more positive than negative -
or the other way around?

We had a big brush fire to burn the other
evening and so we invited the neighbors over
to roast hot dogs and marshmallow over the fire.

The heat was so intense that it was almost too
hot to roast the jumbo marshmallows,
but they hid behind the log so it blocked some of the heat
and soon they were eating smores.

A fun time and memories made.

What would you tell me if you joined  me for coffee?
Anything exciting happening in your life?
Or, not so exciting?

And one more sign of spring....

Thanks for stopping by for
virtual coffee.  Enjoy your day!


1 comment:

  1. My kids talked their dad into getting those jumbo marshmallows not too long ago--they are huge!

    Your cranberry muffins look really good!


{Thanks for stopping by.}