Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Coffee break...

If we were sitting down to coffee this morning
I would tell you that it was another
2 hour delay morning with a white blanket
covering the brown mud again.
So that meant sleeping in!
But that also means that I feel like I
am 2 hours behind all day.
{But the extra sleep was so-o needed!}

I would also tell you that my
heart is heavy for a friend.
So much pain
so many bad choices,
lost hope.

So many hurting people,
so many tears shed,
so many with lost hope!

But today I have HOPE,
because I have seen God's
over and over and over.
My hope is in Him.

This song is a song that I have cried
so many tears to
as I let the walls fall down the tears fell too.
The walls that I had built around my heart were
to keep the pain out and
I didn't realize that it also kept love out.
Healing is happening...
a process for sure.
But letting love back in and letting
go of the pain is a
new freedom.

I pray my friend can let the walls down.
Finding new freedom.

Join in for coffee here and here.


  1. praying for your friend and yes, hope in Him for his constant faithfulness. visiting for virtual coffee. Stop by for Tea on Tuesday -- www.greyumbrella.com -- if you feel like it!

  2. hoep everything is okay with your friend...thanks for joining in for coffee this week!


{Thanks for stopping by.}