Monday, April 18, 2011

Happy 40th, my friend!

I love creating cakes for gifts,

and I had fun making this
for my friend
and surprising her with it!

She is an amazing director of the
children's ministries at church.

She creates amazing "art" with
yarn that I only dream of.

She is talented in so many ways and
loves to play games and will
beat you at Banana Grams without
even trying!  =)

A well deserved cake for an amazing person!
Happy 40th Birthday, Julie!
I am blessed to call you


  1. Oh my goodness! What a gorgeous cake! You are so very, very talented. I bet your friend was so pleased!!

  2. OMG - what talent you have. I have been looking all through your blog - you are awesome. Great great job. Be blessed. p.s. I am a new follower :)

  3. Wow...I'm not sure how accurate your words are, but they brought tears to my eyes. You are a blessing and your love of Jesus just permeates all you do. Thank you for this incredible gift, and thank you for being my friend!

  4. Oh my word, Roseanne! Seriously. HOW did you do that yarn? I know it's probably fondant, but that would've taken F.O.R.E.V.E.R to roll it into strings and get it so even yet too! Or maybe you have a heavy duty decorator to push it through? Wow, beautiful cake! Absolutely amazing.

  5. wow, i'm impressed!! love the detailing of the "stitched" sides of the bag.

  6. Wow, great job. I love this cake. You are an artist of cakes. Keep up the good work.

  7. WOWOWOWOW!!! This is Amazing!!! I am sure your friend absolutely love it! THanks for sharing!!!


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